At Dubai Airport, Traveler’s Eyes Become Their Passports News

Dubai’s airport, the world’s busiest for international travel, has introduced an iris-scanner that verifies one’s identity and eliminates the need for any human interaction when entering or leaving the country.

Important Of Eye Scanner In Dubai Airport

Eye Scanner In Dubai Airport

  • Dubai’s airport, the world’s busiest for international travel, can already feel surreal, with its cavernous duty-free stores, artificial palm trees, gleaming terminals, water cascades..
  • Now, the key east-west transit hub is rolling out another addition from the realm of science fiction an iris-scanner that verifies one’s identity and eliminates the need for any human interaction when entering or leaving the country.
  • Dubai’s airport started offering the program to all passengers last month. On Sunday, travelers stepped up to an iris scanner after checking in, gave it a good look and breezed through passport control within seconds. Gone were the days of paper tickets or unwieldy phone apps.

Procedure Of Passport Verification

  1. In recent years, airports across the world have accelerated their use of timesaving facial recognition technology to move passengers to their flights.
  2. The Dubai’s iris scan improves on the more commonplace automated gates seen elsewhere, authorities said, connecting the iris data to the country’s facial recognition databases so the passenger needs no identifying documents or boarding pass. 
  3. The technology. Iris biometrics are considered more reliable than surveillance cameras that scan people’s faces from a distance without their knowledge or consent.
  4. The city of Dubai has advanced an array of technological tools to fight the virus in malls and on streets, including disinfectant foggers, thermal cameras and face scans that check for masks and take temperatures. The programs similarly use cameras that can record and upload people’s data using biometric databases.

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